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Title Name Icon File Folder Langauge
Deep Stone Deep_Stone.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Orbital Energy Transmitter Component Orbital_Energy_Transmitter_Component.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Hydrojet Cutter Hydrojet_Cutter.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Diamond Focusing Lens Diamond_Focusing_Lens.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Toxic Cavern Stone Toxic_Cavern_Stone.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Laser Energy Transmitter MK3 Laser_Energy_Transmitter_MK3.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
DapperScale DapperScale.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Hardened PCB Hardened_PCB.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Rubble Rubble.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Tin Ore Tin_Ore.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Basic Laser Energy Transmitter Basic_Laser_Energy_Transmitter.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Storage Crate Storage_Crate.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Gold Plate Gold_Plate.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Cold Cavern Flora 5 Cold_Cavern_Flora_5.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Geological Surveyor Geological_Surveyor.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Overclocked Crystal Clock Overclocked_Crystal.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Blank Ore Ping Blank_Ore_Ping.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
LogisticsHopper Logistics_Hopper.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Wooden Planks Wooden_Planks.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Mesh Weaver Mesh_Weaver.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Copper Bar Copper_Bar.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Construction Paste Construction_Paste.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Titanium Ore Ping Titanium_Ore_Ping.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
MK4 Forced Induction T4_Forced_Induction.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Improved Cargo Lift ImprovedCargoLift.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Missile Turret MK1 Missile_Turret_MK1.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Lift w/underside Piston T1_Lift.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Organic Lens Organic_Lens.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Suit Heater MK1 Suit_Heater_MK1.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)
Perfect Faceted Eye Perfect_Faceted_Eye.xml Materials Chinese (Simplified)